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I think I might have a bunion?

If you think you might have a bunion it worth arranging an initial consultation.  This way we can advise you whether to just monitor or to consider treatment.  It gives you a baseline for the future.

After my initial appointment

You will receive a detailed letter explaining what was discussed. It will summarise all the key points.  We normally also send additional information to you electronically.

What are my anaesthetic options?

Bunion surgery can be carried out using any of the following anaesthetic options:

  • Local anaesthetic

  • Local + sedation

  • General anaesthetic + local

Is my leg in plaster?

No, the vast majority of patients with mild to moderate bunions can have it corrected without the need for a leg plaster.  Severe bunions may require a more complex operation necessitating a plaster cast or boot.

Can I drive home after surgery?

No, you will not be able to drive home after your procedure.  We will need you to arrange a responsible adult to take you home and be with you.

What happens at the appointment

At the initial consultation we will review your general health and circulation.  Examination of the feet will help determine the next steps.  If you have a bunion we will discuss in detail all of the option moving forward.

Would an injection help my bunion?

Injection of steroids is not appropriate for treating bunions. In fact this type of injection can make the bunion deteriorate more quickly.

Why always a local anaesthetic?

We always give a local anaesthetic even if your have a general because this will significantly reduce your post-operative pain after surgery.  

When do you tell me about my op?

We will know exactly which operation is best for you once we ahve assessed you clinically and reviewed your foot x-rays.  The choice of operation is critical to success. 

How mobile will I be?

You will need to rest after your procedure.  You will be able to move around on your crutches using your postop shoe / boot.  You can for example get up and go to the loo. 

Will I need an x-ray?

In most cases we will arrange for weight-bearing x-rays of your feet. This is so we can understand how the bones are aligned and whether there is any arthritis within the joint.

Key Hole Surgery

Key hole surgery was very fashionalbe but in our experience it carries unnecessary risks of complications and the recovery is no better.

Do I stay in hospital?

No, virtually all patients are able to go home the same day after their procedure.  

Do I need crutches aftewards?

Nearly all patients are given a postoperative shoe and crutches after their operation.  We ask you to follow the advice givenoby the nursing / Physio team. 


Most people return to driving at around 4-6 weeks after correction of mild to moderate bunions.  If you have left treatment late an need a more complex surgery recovery will be longer. 

Using Mobile Phones


My ankle has never clicked since that day, and following my recovery I’ve found that my left leg is much less sore and prone to feeling fatigued. Corns and callouses on the sole of the foot have vanished, and my shoes on the foot wear down significantly slower. My left leg’s is now relaxed when standing still, where it once visibly strained and bulged even when idle.
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