Mr Stuart A Metcalfe BSc(Hons), MPhil, FRCPod(S)

Mr Metcalfe is dedicated to providing the same excellent care for all his patients whether NHS or privately funded. Under the NHS patient choice system you are able to ask you GP to refer to Mr Metcalfe at Spire Parkway Hospital where you will receive the highest standard of care from one of the UK's leading Podiatric Surgeons.
I would like to see Mr Metcalfe as an NHS patient in Spire Parkway, what do I do first?
All you need to do is make an appointment with your GP, explain to them you have a painful foot problem and you would prefer to be seen by an expert in foot surgery and specifically Mr Metcalfe. Your GP should make an electronic referral for you under the "Choose & Book" system.
What if I don't live in Solihull?
You can ask to see Mr Metcalfe no matter where you live. Your GP may need to increase the search distance for consultants on the computer but Mr Metcalfe treats patients from all over the UK and abroad. Feet are important and accessing the best consultant for your treatment is an important first step in ensuring the best results for you.
I'm still a bit unsure about asking my GP.
Many patients still find their GP and other healthcare professionals a bit intimidating. All we would say is that you have a right to ask to be treated by the consultant of your choice. Most GP's understand that very often patients have researched their medical problems and often are very clear who they would like to see for treatment.
What if I need a bit of advice beforehand?
Anne is our friendly and very experienced practice manager. She is available if you want to ask a few questions.
Will I have to pay anything?
No, if you are referred under the "Choose & Book" system then your treatment is provided free of charge but you receive treatment in a private hospital and with a Consultant who you know is an expert in the field.
Are there some things I can't get treatment for?
Mr Metcalfe is able to provide the vast majority of treatments for NHS as he does for private patients. There are however a few things which are not covered by the NHS. THese are:
Children (<18yrs)