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Ingrowing toe nails

An ingrowing nail occurs when the nail plate grows into the soft flesh at the side of the toe.  As a result, inflammation develops as the body tries to remove the nail spike that is acting a bit like a big splinter.

Does the injection hurt?

If you are having the procedure under local anaesthetic we will clean the toe and then inject each side with some local anaesthetic solution.  It is a little "stingy" for around 2mins whislt the injection is given. 

Will I feel anything?

Before the procedure begins we always double check the anaesthetic block has worked.  You should only feel "pressure" during the procedure itself.  On rare occasions we may need to "top-up" the block. 

Can I claim on medical insurance?

This procedure is typically covered by all major private medical insurers.  The code for this procedure is S7010

Anaesthetic options

Though commonly carried out under local anaesthetic, patients who area anxious or with younger children a general anaesthetic is often a better approach.

What can I do to reduce the pain?

Some patients find applying EMLA or AMETOP cream to the base of the toe to be operated on 2hrs before hlepful.  Always read the label. 

How successful is it?

Nail surgery wth phenolisation is around 90-95% successful in curing ingrowing toenails.

How long does it take to heal?

Healing times can be quite varied with most patients taking 4-6 weeks for the toe(s) to fully heal.

How long does the procedure take?

Once the consent form and other bits of adminsitration are complete, the actual procedure takes only a few minutes.

What should I wear?

Please wear loose trousers and bring an open-toed "slider" styled shoe(s) with you to accommodate the larger dressing.

What are the risks?

This a safe procedure and serious risks are rare.  You could:

  • Develop an infection

  • Loose the nail

  • Experience a re-growth

What do I do whilst the toe heals?

We advise you to clean the toe dailly in salty water and redress it.  We will provide detailed instructions for you.  

Using Mobile Phones


My ankle has never clicked since that day, and following my recovery I’ve found that my left leg is much less sore and prone to feeling fatigued. Corns and callouses on the sole of the foot have vanished, and my shoes on the foot wear down significantly slower. My left leg’s is now relaxed when standing still, where it once visibly strained and bulged even when idle.
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