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What is a SWIFT?

Swift is a pioneering new microwave therapy for skin. With treatment times in seconds, Swift a new, precise and easy way of treating verrucae.

Is it painful like other treatments?

Unlike freezing treatments (cryosurgery), Swift is virtually pain free and requires no injections. Most patient experience no more than a “scratch-like” sensation. This makes it an ideal treatment for children.

Does it work in everyone?

If you have a poor immune system you may not respond as well as other patients.  The treatment does not cause any open wounds however and is therefore much safer than older treatments.

Can I claim on medical insurance?

No, the private medical companies will not contribute towards the cost the disposable probes or maintenance of this very expensive equipment. This makes the reimbursement insufficient to be able to offer SWIFT through medical insurance.

How does SWIFT work?

Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.

Am I left with a blister or wound?

Nearly all other treatments result in a blister or open wound which limits what you are able to do after treatment. With Swift there is no visible damage to the skin and patients are able to go about their normal activities.

How successful is it?

Swift treatment looks to be more like 70- 80% successful and has none of the problems associated with older treatment methods

Tell me more about treatment

Mr Metcalfe will go over the treatment options again. Any callus will be carefully removed before treatment.  Each lesion will be treated with SWIFT according to the presentation.

Is it riskk?

No, SWIFT safety data over many tens of thousands of treatments confirms this is one of the safest treatments there is for verruca.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients will require between two and four treatments but this is dependent on how you respond to treatment. These can be from 14 days to over a month apart depending on the response.

What are the risks?

Most people will experience some discomofrt lasting one to two seconds as the treatment is administered. In rare cases patients have reported some short term soreness after treatment.

Will I need more than one treatment

Most patients require between two and four treatments at intervals of four to six weeks.

Using Mobile Phones


My ankle has never clicked since that day, and following my recovery I’ve found that my left leg is much less sore and prone to feeling fatigued. Corns and callouses on the sole of the foot have vanished, and my shoes on the foot wear down significantly slower. My left leg’s is now relaxed when standing still, where it once visibly strained and bulged even when idle.
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