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What is a bunion?

A bunion is a painful bony protrusion that forms on the inner side of the foot at the big toe joint. It is linked hallux valgus, a condition in which big toe shifts toward the smaller toes and the outer edge of the foot.

Do bunions cause other problems?

As the big toe deforms it can also cause the second toe to become deformed. Callus and corns will develop over prominences.

Do shoes cause bunions?

No, not normally. There are genetic and other hereditary factors which appear to be important.  Badly fitting shoes can accelerate bunion formation though.

Is surgery safe?

Bunion surgery is very safe and effective when carried out by someone specifically trained in the techniques. All operations carry potential risk.  Read our preop booklet

Will I have to be in a plaster?

Nowadays most patients do not have to be put into a plaster boot after their operation.

Will it get worse?

Most people find their bunions worsen over time and that the speed of deterioration also increases.

Other problems

Many patients develop secondary deformity of the toes and pain to the "ball" of the feet due to metatarsalgia,

What is the best treatment?

Surgery is an effective solution for bunions.  In simple terms there are two types of operation:

How long does it take?

Treated promptly, most operations take about 40mins but your are normally in hospital for a few hours.

Will I have crutches?

Yes, I provide nearly all patients with cruthces after foot surgery to help them keep weight off the foot.

Do bunion correctors work?

Whilst pads may help protect the enlarged joint, bunion splints will not prevent your bunion from getting worse.​​

It doesn't hurt, should I leave it?

It is advisable to get your foot checked out early so we can check the joint health.

What happens if I leave the bunion?

In most people the bunion will get worse to the point you might well need a much more complicated operation with a longer recovery period.

Do I have to stay in overnight?

If you are in good health your operation is normally done as a "Day Case". This means you can go home same day. 

Will my toe bend afterwards?

Yes, when we correct the bunion we re-align the bones in such a way that the toe will still bend.

Using Mobile Phones


My ankle has never clicked since that day, and following my recovery I’ve found that my left leg is much less sore and prone to feeling fatigued. Corns and callouses on the sole of the foot have vanished, and my shoes on the foot wear down significantly slower. My left leg’s is now relaxed when standing still, where it once visibly strained and bulged even when idle.
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