Mr Stuart A Metcalfe BSc(Hons), MPhil, FRCPod(S)

What is an IGTN?
An ingrowing nail occurs when the nail plate which is hard, penetrates the skin along the side of the nail resulting in local pain and swelling. Often infection develops soon after.
Do antibiotics help?
If the toe is infected then a course of antibiotics can be very helpful in the short term. It is never advisable just to keep taking more antibiotics if the problem comes back.
Is nail surgery effective?
Nail surgery in the right hands will cure the IGTN permanently in around 95% of patients.
What if I'm scared of needles?
If you are at all anxious about this procedure being carried out under local anaesthetic we can easily arrange for oyu to have some sedation and or a general anaesthetic.
Will it get worse?
Most people find their IGTN's worsen over time. To start with the toes might just feel sore when "knocked". Very quickly pain, swelling, oozing and infection develop.
What should I do?
Clean the toe in a salt water footbath and apply a sterile dressing. Arrange an appointment as soon as you can. If you are concerned that there is a serious infection, seek medical advice.
How is the nail root "killed"
The toe nail grows from specialised cells called the "germinal matrix". The offending area of matrix can be treated with a chemical (phenol). This stops the offending nail section from re-growing.
Are there other types of treatment?
Some people recommend nail bracing but this is highly ineffective. It is usually advised by people who are not qualified to offer other more effective treatments.
What causes an IGTN?
There are many causes including poor nail care, trauma, excessive sweating, tight shoes. Ingrowing nails can sometimes be confused with bony growths called subungual exostosis.
What is the best treatment?
If you are fit and well and have good circulation the most common treatment is to remove the offending nail and stop it from growing back. This is called a "partial nail ablation"
What type of anaesthetic is used?
In adults and older children this procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic. For younger children local anaesthetic is seldom appropriate and can cause long-term harm.
What is incisional nail surgery?
If you have poor circulation or have had previous nail surgery, we may advise an alternative procedure which involves the surgical excision of the offending nail section.