Mr Stuart A Metcalfe BSc(Hons), MPhil, FRCPod(S)

What is a wart?
A wart is a skin lesion caused by infection with a virus. The virus called the "human papilloma virus".
Are they contagious?
YES, however, the risk of passing them on to others is low. Because close skin-to-skin contact is needed to pass the virus on. You are more at risk of being infected if your skin is damaged, or if it is wet and macerated, and in contact with roughened surfaces.
Are some people more at risk?
If you have a poor immune system you may develop lots of warts which are difficult to clear. (For example, if you have AIDS, if you are on chemotherapy, etc.)
Can they become cancerous?
In rare cases verrucae can become malignant. Sometimes malignant tumours can be mistaken for simple warts or verruace.
Are warts and verrucae the same?
A verruca is simply a wart which is found on the foot. The often look different because verrucae on the sole of the foot become compressed as we walk. On non weight-bearing areas the lesions often grow out.
Where are they commonly caught?
Swimming pools and communal washing areas are common culprits in spreading verruae.
When should I get treatment?
For most people especially, children the body’s own immune system does eventually destroy the verrucae itself. Generally, we would not advise seeking treatment unless the lesion is painful or looks of concern.
When should I get advice?
If the lesion is painful or you are unsure if it is a verruca or not then seek advice. The lesion can be examined under a dermatoscope which can often aid diagnosis.
What does the virus do?
The virus works by invading the cells and re-programming them causing the growing layer of your skin to produce cells much more quickly than normal.
Can they spread on the body?
You can also spread the wart virus to other areas of your body. For example, warts may spread round the nails, lips and surrounding skin if you bite warts on your fingers, or nearby nails, or if you suck fingers with warts on.
Can I reduce the risk?
The virus always enters through the skin so to protect yourself take these simple steps.
o Wear flip flops poolside
o Don’t share shoes with other people
o If you have a verruca, keep it covered
Can I get the verruca treated.
There are a range of treatment options but the most effective treatments are: